Friday, 29 February 2008

Climatic Hazards and Change...

Start of a new unit today...

For those of you whose copies of the spec have mysteriously disappeared from your folders, a reminder that you can download it from the AQA website - pages 19-20 are the ones you need for the content of the physical part of the AS course.

We talked about the definitions of weather (atmospheric conditions on a short-term basis) and climate (average weather conditions over an extended period of time) - make sure that you are clear about the difference between the two - and extreme weather events (tropical revolving storms, tornadoes, floods, storm surges, etc.).

We also had a look at the ways in which weather and climate affect our lives - economically, socially, environmentally...

Finally, we started to look at the vertical stratification of the atmosphere:

It is well worth you having look at The Atmosphere on the Met Office website - lots of other useful bits and pieces on there as well.

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