Saturday, 22 December 2007

A White Christmas?

Just spotted this great site on Val Vannet's blog... Click on the picture to create your own snowflake!

Friday, 7 December 2007

Work for Friday 7th December

First of all, the markscheme for the exam question that you did on Wednesday is here - on Tuesday, I will want your answer, marked by you (in a different colour)...

I would also like you to investigate the following:
- nutrient cycling
- primary and secondary succession
- biomass

These are things that we will be looking at properly later in the year, but that you will need to have some idea about for your skills paper... Let me know if there are problems with this!

I will try and put a summary of the statistics work on the blog over the weekend so that you can refer to that if you were finding some of that difficult.

Have a good weekend...