Tuesday, 30 June 2009


...was the verdict of the planning inspectors today!

Not had a look at the photos yet as I can't find my camera cable and have been busy exam marking. But, I really enjoyed today - I thought that you looked very smart, conducted yourselves very well (apart from trying to make them interview me again...), were knowledgeable and articulate, and I was very proud of you! You definitely held your own! Hopefully you enjoyed the day from a Geography point of view, as well as a "making new friends" (Jo!) point of view and a "three lots of lunch" point of view (boys!).

Keep an eye out for some pics in the next couple of days. In the meantime, very well done!

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Quarry or Not?

Thank you to those of you who have returned money and permission slips for Tuesday. If you haven't, you need to do so as soon as possible please.

Don't forget to have a look through the Stakeholder Terms of Reference that I gave you this morning, and also the Environmental Statement that is saved in Share and I will email to you tomorrow. Jo and Michael, you will need to collect the ToR for your roles at some point so you have chance to have a look at them before Tuesday.

Please remember:

- smart dress (not necessarily a suit, although there'd be nothing wrong with that... but not jeans either).

- we need to leave school at 8.30am (not start arriving at school at 8.30am!) - I will let you know on Monday morning where we will need to meet.

- you will need to bring your ToR, etc. with you, and writing implements might be of use. If you want to bring a camera, that is fine, but remember that cameras, mobile phones (which will obviously be turned off during the time that we're at the BGS), and anything else that you choose to bring with you will be your responsibility for the duration of the visit.

- lunch and refreshments will be provided by the BGS.


Apologies that I forgot to take in your plans this morning - I will have them in on Monday from everyone please!

Dos and don'ts of questionnaire planning and execution this morning... You demonstrated that you know the "right" answers; your task now is to apply them in the questionnaire that you are planning (either linked to school transport, or something that is directly related - and therefore could be used as your pilot - for your own investigation). By Thursday morning, your questionnaire needs to have been written and carried out - you will be analysing your results and then evaluating your questionnaire on Thursday, so if you don't have any results, you will be in something of a mess.

Monday we will look at locations, maps, and get those action plans sorted.

Oh... and this is Survey Monkey!!

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Quarry or Not?

To save you having to search back through old posts, here is the post from the Quarry or Not? event at the BGS last year...

And the official video from the event...

Don't forget please, permission slips, money and photographic consent forms back to me as soon as possible please!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Welcome back Year 12!

This morning, in our first lesson after the exams, we looked at the structure of the A2 course, and talked about the new A* grade...

Remember, the specification is here, and you can also access sample questions, etc. on the AQA website. The ppt from this morning's lesson is in a new folder in Student Share, and you have a copy via email too.

We then went on to look at GEOG4A - the individual fieldwork investigation, and after we'd talked about the process of planning and carrying out an enquiry, you started to think about topics that you might be interesting in investigating.

We will spend Thursday's lesson (p1) continuing to discuss topics and investigation ideas, and then on Monday you will need to be ready to present your initial proposal to the rest of the group, and to hand in one side of A4 outlining your intentions. Don't forget to talk to people at home (who are likely to need to be roped into helping you collect your data!) and have a chat to the Year 13 geographers too...